
Five ideas to generate newsflow

Most start-ups that we meet with recognise the value of raising their visibility with key audiences and are keen to "get some PR", but are often concerned that they don't have enough newsworthy content to feed a sustained PR programme.

Our answer is actually quite straightforward: in the B2B realm, news is simply what people don't know, and what you haven't told them.

Your company may not be signing blockbuster deals every week, or releasing major product updates each quarter but, throughout the year, there will be myriad opportunities to communicate your unique insights and differentiation.

Our advice? Be alive to every single opportunity to establish a distinctive brand voice based on your willingness to provide an informed view to target media, adopt a leadership position on pressing issues, and share your expertise and knowledge in a way that drives your industry forward.

Watch our five tips for generating newsflow for your communications programme.

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