
Is your marketing content in library mode? your content in library mode? 

You and your team have worked tirelessly to create well-written, beautifully-designed collateral that successfully gets across your key messages and USPs. So what next? Well, despite the best intentions, your superbly crafted marketing materials can all too often fall into "library mode" - sitting passively on a website waiting to be downloaded by prospects who know exactly what they're looking for and who have the time and determination to find it.

So how you can you avoid lapsing into library limbo and make sure that your content is always working as hard for you as possible? Here are our 5 expert tips for promoting and repurposing your key content to optimise reach, impact and engagement from your audience - across multiple platforms:

  1. Proactively send it out to your lead database in a newsletter - drive click-throughs to your priority web content by issuing a regular, high-value customer and prospect newsletter.
  2. Give it to your PR agency to place in the media - ask your PR team to adapt your collateral into a timely opinion piece, compelling industry case study or authoritative article offering newsworthy commentary on an emerging hot topic.
  3. Harness stand-out material to create infographics, social media carousels or video reels - use interesting facts, figures and pull-out quotes to create shareable digital assets for your social media channels.
  4. Turn it into a podcast or video script - transform your long-form written content into scripts that can power a podcast episode or new video - from tutorials, explainers and key concept animations to thought-leadership and future-gazing.
  5. Divide and conquer - segment lengthy white papers and technology backgrounders into a series of fresh blogs released over several weeks. Alternatively, gather a related set of blog posts and reformat them into a downloadable e-book.

Being smart about repurposing your content not only maximises your marketing budget, ROI and your team's time - it can also very efficiently expand your reach and opportunities to see, plus boost your SEO by proliferating keyword-rich content across your most important channels.

If you need support with any aspect of your content programme, we're content marketing masters and here to help! Contact us to set up an introductory Teams call or on-site meeting.

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