
Is your LinkedIn Company Page delivering value to your followers?

Social media tip: if your LinkedIn Company Page is an endless stream of generic posts about "awareness" or "international days" (with only a very tangential connection to your business), or reposts of broad industry news with no commentary, it's often a pretty clear sign that:

A) Your LinkedIn Company Page is being run internally, often by an over-stretched "teatime marketer" who only posts opportunistically (with the exception of a few pre-scheduled content pegs such as industry days).
B) Your followers aren't gaining any compelling insights, analysis or value from your page (the reason they followed you in the first place) - it's simply adding to the LinkedIn noise.

Outsourcing your B2B social media content creation to specialist partners - preferably your PR or marketing agency and within an integrated comms programme - ensures:

✅ Efficient use of your team's skills and resources - social media management can be incredibly time-consuming, so free your team to focus on their core roles and competencies
✅ Content quality control and consistency - prioritise regular, high-value content delivered by comms professionals with a holistic understanding of your unique brand voice, company values, messaging and audience careabouts
✅ Expert counsel to manage negative comments or online crises - your PR team are the specialists when it comes to handling tricky situations and minimising reputational damage, so let them help you avoid comms missteps

If your LinkedIn Company Page needs an overhaul, contact us.

Blog Index

12th July 2024 -
Market Building: A Rising Tide Lifts All Boats

21st June 2024 -
Latest client success story: Profile-raising comms for AB Cube

19th June 2024 -
Is your LinkedIn Company Page delivering value to your followers?

4th June 2024 -
Is your marketing content in library mode?

24th May 2024 -
New EvokedSet Ultimate Guide: 6 Key Steps to Media Success

18th April 2024 -
How to keep B2B leads warm

16th April 2024 -
NEW: 90-sec introduction to EvokedSet's PR & marcom services

10th April 2024 -
Things That We Believe: Never Let Our Clients Fail

31st March 2024 -
Latest client success story: Brand-building comms for White City Innovation District

24th March 2024 -
New EvokedSet Ultimate Guide: 25 Content Ideas For Demand Generation

15th March 2024 -
How to prepare for media interviews

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Why did we name our business EvokedSet?

25th February 2024 -
Latest client success story: Content excellence for Mavenir

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29th January 2024 -
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19th January 2024 -
Four ways to measure PR success

18th January 2024 -
What is the Evoked Set?

9th January 2024 -
New EvokedSet Ultimate Guide: 20 Ideas To Create Newsflow

2nd January 2024 -
Five ideas to generate newsflow

10th December 2023 -
Know Your Customer Value Proposition

15th November 2023 -
Need help with creating marketing messages that land?

2nd October 2023 -
Does your PR agency have the write stuff?

19th September 2023 -
Effective messaging for start-ups and scale-ups

13th August 2023 -
PR tips for start-ups and scale-ups

14th November 2022 -
Latest client success story: Marketing momentum for Avacta Group plc


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