
Market Building: A Rising Tide Lifts All Boats

Over the years we’ve worked with many spin-outs and start-ups who are innovating an almost completely novel product category. For these pioneering businesses, the inherent 'newness' of their solution incurs an additional marketing overhead: the cost of educating future buyers about this new class of solution and why it could be valuable to them.

As a true innovator, in order to successfully move prospects into and through the sales funnel, your marketing programme needs to help target customers fully understand the strategic significance of your new solution (including how it fits within their existing ecosystem of solutions) plus, potentially, persuade them to create additional budget for the benefits it offers. That extra educative step may seem onerous for early-stage companies who are already heavily bootstrapping their marketing and communication resources.

However, taking the early initiative to build market awareness for a burgeoning solution area is never a wasted investment: it gives your organisation the opportunity to play a dominant role in growing the overall market 'pie' and, ultimately, securing a bigger slice. Sooner or later - if your value proposition is sound, your solution compelling, and your addressable market sizeable and attractive enough - new entrants and challengers will inevitably emerge. When they do, they should be welcomed: they will be validating and proving your market.

We're firmly of the belief that competition is a good thing. Our advice to clients is always to remain large-minded - not small-minded - when it comes to competitors. Strategically balancing co-operation with competition is a smart approach for creating profitability, sustainable competitive advantage, and long-term business success. A rising tide does indeed lift all boats.



Blog Index

12th July 2024 -
Market Building: A Rising Tide Lifts All Boats

21st June 2024 -
Latest client success story: Profile-raising comms for AB Cube

19th June 2024 -
Is your LinkedIn Company Page delivering value to your followers?

4th June 2024 -
Is your marketing content in library mode?

24th May 2024 -
New EvokedSet Ultimate Guide: 6 Key Steps to Media Success

18th April 2024 -
How to keep B2B leads warm

16th April 2024 -
NEW: 90-sec introduction to EvokedSet's PR & marcom services

10th April 2024 -
Things That We Believe: Never Let Our Clients Fail

31st March 2024 -
Latest client success story: Brand-building comms for White City Innovation District

24th March 2024 -
New EvokedSet Ultimate Guide: 25 Content Ideas For Demand Generation

15th March 2024 -
How to prepare for media interviews

7th March 2024 -
Why did we name our business EvokedSet?

25th February 2024 -
Latest client success story: Content excellence for Mavenir

18th February 2024 -
Are you our ideal client?

11th February 2024 -
Latest client success story: Game-changing PR for DnaNudge

4th February 2024 -
Is your business leveraging the PESO Model™ for marcoms?

29th January 2024 -
Do you know how your customers found you?

19th January 2024 -
Four ways to measure PR success

18th January 2024 -
What is the Evoked Set?

9th January 2024 -
New EvokedSet Ultimate Guide: 20 Ideas To Create Newsflow

2nd January 2024 -
Five ideas to generate newsflow

10th December 2023 -
Know Your Customer Value Proposition

15th November 2023 -
Need help with creating marketing messages that land?

2nd October 2023 -
Does your PR agency have the write stuff?

19th September 2023 -
Effective messaging for start-ups and scale-ups

13th August 2023 -
PR tips for start-ups and scale-ups

14th November 2022 -
Latest client success story: Marketing momentum for Avacta Group plc


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